
My Water Footprint

A faucet with a water drop / Water consumption concept Photo: © iStock-1039347886
  • Environment
  • Resources
  • sustainability
  • Water
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Resource Type
Earth Science
Ecosystems Sustainability
Time for activity
Completion within a week

To raise awareness of water usage in our household and within the family and what are the main contributors to this. The goal is to reduce water usage in the participants´ daily life, integrate one’s own behaviour and living standards into a bigger picture, starting from small and going big. They can initiate campaigns to spread the word among their immediate peers. On a playful note, challenges can be organized to see who proves best at using and reusing.

Sience S
Technology T
Engineering E
Mathematics M


Sustainable Development Goals


To raise awareness of water usage in our household and within the family and what are the main contributors to this. The goal is to reduce water usage in the participants´ daily life, integrate one’s own behaviour and living standards into a bigger picture, starting from small and going big. They can initiate campaigns to spread the word among their immediate peers. On a playful note, challenges can be organized to see who proves best at using and reusing.

Key Objectives
  • The students should hand in a step-by-step documentation of their “research”: Where did they start from, how did they access the questions what did they try – what worked out well, what failed, how did they adapt etc. and finally- what changes did they observe (in numbers e.g. of litres used, in attitudes, behaviours and feelings – their own and of the people they included in their project (household members, neighbours, followers on social media etc.)
Guiding Questions
  1. What do we need water for?
  2. Where do we use water?
  3. Where does the water come from?
  4. How much use do you think you actually use in one day?
  5. How much do you estimate water is used in your vicinity?
  6. How do we use water – do we take full advantage of it or does
    it go right into the drain?
  7. How could we take better advantage of the water we use and
    how can we reduce our water consumption?
  8. Why should we care?


Viola Kessel, Carlos Cortés