
Whirling, Swirling Air Pollution

Whirling, Swirling Air Pollution Photo: ©iStock-1135335888
  • Environment
  • Resources
  • sustainability
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Resource Type
Earth Science
Climate Change Ecosystems Health
Time for activity
45 - 60 Minutes

In this activity students get a sense of the many ways in which daily
activities use natural resources and contribute to air pollution.

Sience S
Technology T
Engineering E
Mathematics M


Sustainable Development Goals


In this activity students get a sense of the many ways in which daily
activities use natural resources and contribute to air pollution.

Key Objectives
  1. Students learn how daily activities contribute to air pollution.
  2. Students use a simple model to investigate air pollution.
Guiding Questions
  1. What is the air feel like if we stand on a beach, what is the air like if we are standing on top of a mountain, or in a forest? What is the air like if we are standing in a big city, near a factory? What is different in the air, where do these things come from? Are they aproblem? Why?


Bibliotheca Alexandrina Planetarium Science Center